Ensuring the reliability of your electricity networks with the increasing integration of distributed energy resources is a great challenge, EDF R&D is ready to help you meet this challenge and to provide you with the expertise of its experts and laboratories, well instrumented for your project needs.
Equipments & Components
- Validating your equipment in an advanced test facility
- Testing & assessing your energy metering solutions
- Power tests and high voltage tests
- Large volume chambers
- Controlling the availability of your rotating machines
- Guaranteeing the performance of your electric motors
- Validating the design and reception of transformers
- Protecting your equipment against electrical transients
- Testing your equipment subjected to vibrations
- In-depth control of your mechanical simulations
- Ultrasound testing of your complex equipment
- Improving the reliability of the rotors of your generators
- Testing and developing your batteries
- Guaranteeing the quality of electricity in your power network
- Study and expertise of cable connections
- Choosing the right algorithm for your operational decisions
Going further with EDF R&D
EDF providing solutions for your carbon neutrality goals
Discover our solutions.
Testing Facilities
Watch and read everything about our testing facilities.
Training your staff
Learn new methods, tools and deepen your knowledge.