EDF Power Networks Lab consists of experts, research test engineers and technicians operating the R&D testing facilities of the first European electric utility.
In total independence, they offer their 50 years experience in innovation and support to network operators and electricity producers of the EDF Group. EDF Power Networks helps manufacturers for expertise or qualification of their products.
Many of these experts are members of CEI Standards Working Groups or CIGRE Working Groups.
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Spread over more than 40 ha, the laboratories have a large number of test facilities, in particular installations with exceptionnal characteristics:
Test stands for electrical endurance cycles on cables or accessories up to 600 kV, a climatic chamber with a volume of 1200m3, a permanent strong test hall up to 50 kA, A range of 400 kV line of 300 m.

The Laboratories perfom short-circuit, electrical and mechanical endurance tests, dielectric and climatic tests on equipment in the development phase, type acceptance, reception or investigation.
The laboratories are positionned as one of the major European testing laboratories, capable of carrying out tests according to current standards or according to specific programs requested by our customers.

By integrating them into a Research and Development department, the test teams participate in the realization of projects aimed in particular at understanding the ageing mechanisms of electrical equipment, optimizing the reliability of the networks, improving safety and to adapt the networks to energy transitions.
In order to carry out this task, the laboratories implement complex test plans that respect the actual conditions of installation and operation. The laboratories benefit if necessary from the expertise of 2000 R&D researchers from EDF.

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EDF Power Networks Lab: 50 years of experience and innovation
EDF Power Networks Lab offers a complete range of tests and expertise for industrialists.

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Discovering our labs
Spread over more than 40 hectares, discover the high voltage labs of the department dedicated to the study of electrical equipment of EDF R&D. Hall 420kV, climatic enclosure, generators of lightning shocks and Faraday cage will not have any more secrets for you!
Where are we ?
Find us by using the map below.

Our laboratory is accredited according to the ISO/IEC 17025 (COFRAC) standard since 1988. We are member of ASEFA, an international Certification Body, in accordance with the ISO 17065. The tests carried out in the laboratories may give rise to certificates of conformity issued by ASEFA (French Certification Body).
The EDF Lab site Les Renardières is certified according to ISO 14001.
The laboratory is a member of ESEF, an association regrouping French power testing laboratories and which is a member of the STL (Short-circuit Testing Liaison), an international association that brings together the major testing laboratories. We are also involved in the worldwide network of laboratories and are active in inter-laboratory comparisons.