Welcome to the nuclear world


“Nuclear power, alongside renewable energy, is a major asset for energy transition. R&D’s role is to innovate in order to contribute to making it even safer, more competitive and more flexible for a carbon neutral future.”

Bernard Salha, EDF R&D Director and EDF Group Chief Technical Officer

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Three important things to remember

  • 7

    research programmes to contribute to the continuous improvement of EDF’s low CO2 emission nuclear industry and to prepare for future intensive electricity production.

  • 60

    years old, the theoretical age of the 1/3 scale model representing a double-wall containment, VERCORS, which makes it the oldest in France.

  • 15 000

    people working in nuclear research and development throughout Europe.

Interview : Three minutes with Alain Le Gac

Do you know which R&D will make the difference in nuclear? Answer from Alain Le Gac,
Production and Engineering R&D Director at EDF R&D.

Photo Alain Le Gac Interview

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Nuclear at the heart of the energy mix

How can we balance electricity production and electricity consumption at all times?

Find the answer in this article

Focus : action for biodiversity

Quiz - test your knowledge

What is the impact of thermal discharges on fish that live around nuclear power stations?

Thank you for answering

I discover the answer

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