Innovation unveiled in South Africa at the EDF Pulse Africa Tour 2023
As part of the Pulse Africa Tour, the competition continues in South Africa, precisely in Pretoria this Thursday, October, 18th. EDF keeps going reaching his environment and socials purposes by giving to African start-ups, an opportunity to extend their innovative project across the continent.
Among the several entrepreneurs who showcased their solutions, the company SeaH4 PTY Ltd stand out from his competitors and won the competition.
From left to right: Christ Anderson Ahoua Boua (Head of Communications of EDF Africa), David Martinon (French Ambassador in the Republic of South Africa), Johannes Bochdalofsky (Founder of SeaH4 PTY Ltd) and Laurent Clément (Vice President of EDF Africa).
The finalists have been judged by honorable personalities such as: Laurent Clément, EDF Africa Vice-President of EDF Africa ; Christ Anderson Ahoua Boua, Head of Communications of EDF Africa; Vere Sheba, Founder of Greendesign Africa ; Karen Serem Waithaka, Chief Investment Officer at Catalyst Fund and Mathilde Vivot, French Ministry for European and Foreign Affairs Assistant in the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi.
Johannes Bochdalofsky
is the founder of SeaH4 PTY.
The startup SeaH4 PTY Ltd was awarded the first prize
SeaH4 PTY Ltd was awarded the first prize for his remarkable work by elaborating an alternative to fossil fuels without the necessity to an additional investment in transports infrastructure. Which offers a consumer-ready net zero CO₂.
This solution fits perfectly with the South Africa needs for his missions to reach his CO₂ to zero and give to the rural population a new way to develop himself.
Les finalistes ont été départagés devant un jury composé d’experts régionaux dont : Laurent Clément, Vice-Président de EDF Africa ; Christ Anderson Ahoua Boua, Responsable Communication d’EDF en Afrique ; Vere Sheba, fondatrice de Greendesign Africa ; Karen Serem Waithaka, Directrice des Investissements de Catalyst Fund et Mathilde Vivot, Attachée pour l’innovation à l’ambassade de France en Afrique du Sud, au Lesotho et au Malawi.
SeaH4 PTY Ltd joins Pylon and Knights Energy Kenya for the "Grand Final" of EDF Pulse Africa that will be in December 2023.
EDF Pulse Africa Tour stage by stage
Next stage, March 2024 for the Grand Final in Paris (France).