Welcome to the world of Renewable Energy
“In the field offshore wind, the price of the electricity produced has been divided by 2 in ten years, and the installation cost divided by around 1.5. In the land wind sector, the price of the electricity generated has been divided by around 2.5 in ten years and the installation cost divided by around 1.5.
These figures demonstrate the speed of performance improvements in new energy technologies!
At EDF R&D, our challenge is to grow innovation to allow the EDF group to access these technological advances that will keep on coming and integrate them to energy systems to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 through more innovation!”
Etienne Brière, Director of R&D’s Renewables, Storage, Hydrogen and Environment Programme.
3 key figures to remember
115 kW peak power
per year generated under Agri-PV panels
5 GW
installed capacity generation target for floating wind turbines by 2030
The leading renewable energy in France – hydropower
Renewable energies in 2 minutes
Did you know that EDF wanted to double its production of renewable energies? EDF's R&D researchers are at the heart of this mission: innovating in solar, onshore and offshore wind power. Find out more about these ambitious projects on video.
R&D and renewables energies
Duration: 1:44
Understanding the strategy at the heart of renewables
Innovating to create electricity from offshore winds, inventing ways of exploiting light to provide decarbonised energy for agriculture... Discover how R&D has become the fifth element in the renewable energy sector.
Wind turbines in the open sea
EDF R&D is always surfing on a wave of ideas on how to optimise the efficiency of offshore wind turbines. Come this way to discover them all!
Vitisolar, Agri-PV and new types of solar panels
Add some sunshine to your day (and your plate and glass)! Let’s discover the major PV projects in the fields of agriculture and winegrowing.
Hydro energy generation
Jump in to discover research projects that have made hydro generation EDF Group’s leading renewable.
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