The EU-SysFlex European project reached its conclusion after 4 years and 4 months of collaborative research and demonstrations between 34 partners, in 15 European countries, and at 7 experimental sites.
R&D provided overall technical management for this project (Marie-Ann Evans, SYSTEME), as well as the management of one of the 3 demonstrations of aggregation and control of decentralised resources - figure below of the Virtual Power Plant- (Ye Wang, SYSTEME), and the management of the final roadmap for the project (Robert Soler, SYSTEME).
Many researchers from the R&D teams (LME, MFEE, OSIRIS, etc.) have made a major contribution to the work on this project, which was financed by the European Union at a total cost of €20M.

The closing event of EU-SysFlex took place on 7th February on Teams, in order to present all the results on solutions for the incorporation of 50% and more of renewable energies into the European electricity system
This work has resulted in 8 key statements which form the core of the final roadmap for the project:
- the requirements for new flexibilities in order to ensure equilibrium and stability
- the services that new technologies can provide,
- more efficient services if decentralised resources are aggregated (EDF work on the VPP)
- and if coordination is flexible between operators of the networks by which these resources are connected (GRT and GRD)
- the new tools and platforms needed to incorporate these innovative services,
- the environmental, economic and regulatory conditions necessary to their development,
- which would also ensure an economic model that would guarantee the necessary investment in flexible means,
- as well as the issues in terms of Data and ICT.

After the opening of the conference by Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission, the main partners of the project, including EDF via the technical director of the project, Marie-Ann Evans, presented the work that resulted to these statements during a public webinar attended by more than 230 participants, including many representatives of European transmission and distribution network operators, equipment manufacturers, academics, etc.
During the second part of the conference, a round table moderated by Frédéric Simon of Euractiv Bruxelles gave Carmen Munoz Dormoy, director of the R&D Downstream Group, the opportunity to share EDF’s vision with O’Connel representative of the DG ENER at the European Commission, Norela Constantinescu, Head of Innovation at ENTSO-E, Vera Silva, CTO of General Electric Grid Solutions, and Liam Ryan, Innovation Director at EirGrid.
In order to introduce 50% of RE in the European electricity system, most of the technologies are there, some of them still have to show their reliability on a large scale, but the investment signals for their deployment must be clear.

All the project deliverables. as well as the technical videos and webinars (Demonstrations, Dynamic network simulations, Data management, Market Design), are available until 2024 on the project site and its YouTube channel
The validated conclusion brochure of the European project, including Carmen Munoz Dormoy's message, is available here: System operation and flexibility solutions for integrating 50% renewables by 2030 (PDF)
The latest EU-SysFlex Blog entry by Marie-Ann is available here: The outcomes of the EU-SysFlex Project