At EDF R&D, we are supporting future renewable energy solutions as part of the CAP 2030 strategy, which aims to double the installed capacity of renewable energies by 2030. The new uses of photovoltaic energy are leading researchers to work on increasing the areas dedicated to this technology, in particular by linking agricultural areas with electricity production by photovoltaic energy. Discover our laboratories dedicated to the study of photovoltaics.
As for hydroelectricity production, it has always been one of the driving forces behind the energy transition. With 600 dams and more than 10% of the total annual electricity production, water has become the most used renewable energy by the EDF Group! Discover also our laboratories dedicated to hydraulic energy.
We offer you here a first overview of our laboratories and testing facilities, not exhaustive. Visit our page regularly, as more content will be added in the coming weeks and months.

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EDF R&D evaluates the synergy between agriculture and PV
R&D has commissioned a new laboratory on its EDF Lab les Renardières site: "Agri PV". This concept refers to the combination of photovoltaic electricity production and agricultural production on the same surface. This new laboratory meets EDF's challenge of developing photovoltaic energy through land to implement the Group's Solar Plan, which is itself at the service of France's energy transition.

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R&D takes you on the waves of floating wind turbines
Installing wind turbines far from the coast and at great depths to capture the regular power of offshore winds is the challenge of ‘floating’ offshore wind energy. For nearly 10 years, EDF R&D engineers have been applying their expertise to meet this technological challenge at the EDF Lab Chatou test basins in the Paris region.

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Test bench EnR Ermes
A test bench dedicated to renewable energies at EDF R&D
This EDF R&D test bench simulates the electromechanical conversion chain of renewable generation systems (wind generators, power converters). The set includes small-scale electrical machines, with the same architecture as those found in wind turbines (onshore and offshore), as well as the associated conversion and control systems. This bench, which can be used as a training tool, should allow the implementation of diagnostic and optimisation tools for conversion systems.

The hydraulic testing halls
Visit the hydraulic testing halls... At 360°
With its 10,000m2 experimental hall, this laboratory located at EDF Lab Chatou is equipped to design and build hydraulic models for hydroelectric power plants and dams, nuclear power plants, but also for marine renewable energies, in particular offshore wind turbines. Discover them in this virtual tour!