Yxir is a subsidiary of the EDF Group, which emerged from its EDF Pulse Incubation entrepreneurial programme. Yxir offers an Artificial Intelligence solution enabling manufacturers to control the quality of their products and services.
Manufacturers' Quality Systems are brimming with useful information for improving production processes, the quality of finished products and even their design. Yet barely 20% of this data is actually used. Often in different formats, much of it comes from unstructured text fields. Some simply don't have the quality required for statistical analysis. And all of it is generally scattered across databases that do not communicate with each other.
The solution developed by Yxir uses artificial intelligence, and in particular language processing algorithms, to unleash all the potential intelligence of a Quality System in the service of industrial performance. This is a major challenge for manufacturers, given that non-quality costs around 9% of turnover (source: AFNOR, 2017).
EDF Pulse Ventures invested in the company in 2022.
Improving the performance of manufacturers, their processes and their facilities is key to helping them become more efficient and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. With Yxir, EDF is putting artificial intelligence at the service of industry's performance and therefore its decarbonisation.