ne of the largest climatic chambers in Europe and a set of tests facilities for ageing, natural or artificial pollution

The accelerated ageing room

Visit the ageing room

Presentation of the 3 testing facilities

Our outstanding 1200 m3 climatic chamber enables to test all kind of equipment under very cold or very hot temperatures from -40 to +60 °C.

We also have 2 tests facilities enabling to submit apparatus to harsh environmental constraints in order to qualify their performance over the years:

  • A 675 m3 accelerated ageing chamber used for testing switchgears following cycles (rain, salt fog, heat (+50 °C), damp and solar radiation) according to international standards or dedicated specifications. 
  • Our Martigues seashore test laboratory with several test areas enabling to expose equipment to combined environmental strains (severe conditions of marine and industrial pollutions, heavy sunshine and few rainfall).

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Technical capabilities

Climatic Chamber

Fully renovated, this testing facility simulates the environmental contraints that a material could encounter in real conditions of implantation.

  Climatic room Mobile climatic chamber
(L x W x H)
14,6 m x 6,5 m x 12,6 m (1200 m3) 2 m x 1,9 m x 5 to 6,9 m (19 to 26 m3)
Testing capacity Temperatures: -40 °C / + 60 °C       
Variation: -5°C/hour - +7°C/hour       
Ice harrows: 12 m x 3 m et 2,5 m x 2,5 m       
Sun harrow:  6 m x 2 m – 1200 W/m      
LT source  :       
DC 0 à 300 V / 30 A       
AC single-phase 0 to 250 V / 20 A       
AC Three-phase 0 to 400 V / 63 A
Temperature: -25°C / + 60 °C
Performed tests Climatical endurance test, under ice testing, solar radiation, humidity Thermal conditioning  of measuring transformers


Accelerated ageing room

Generates severe climatic stresses for a relatively long period (ranging from weeks to a few months), allowing to withstand ageing

(L x W x H)
Accelerated ageing room       
9,6 m x 7,4 m x 9,5 m (675 m3)
Testing capacity 2 adjustable single-phase 50 Hz sources :       
0-57,8 kV and 0-170 kV       
Combined cycle of rain / heat (+50°C)/humidity (Hr 95%)/salt fog/sun radiation
Performed tests Powered ageing test, pollution, solar radiation


Martigues seashore test station

  2,2/13,8 kV stand 24 kV stand 58 kV stand 140/245 kV stand
Sizes (L x W x H) 9,6 m x 7,4 m x 9,5 m
Testing capacity

Measurement of leakage currents and meteorological data       
Severe marine and industrial pollution SPS Class C       
Sunshine rate of 3000 hours per year       
Low rainfall

Performed tests Powered ageing tests for all types of materials