Diversity, a source of richness and collective performance
For EDF, diversity in business is a source of richness and a lever for collective performance, like our society.
This is why the EDF group is vigilant in promoting an ever more inclusive work environment. For several years, it has been pursuing an active policy of combating all forms of discrimination: sex, age, origin, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc.
Furthermore, numerous concrete actions and commitments are put in place to guarantee respect for employees, their dignity and their integrity, at the heart of the Group's values, its ethical charter, and its Gender Equality agreements.
And we are proud to have unique people within our teams who are experts in their field.
(in french)

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Fight against homophobia
Publication of a benchmark document on respect for sexual orientations in business and is the first industrial group to sign the LGBT Charter of l'Autre Cercle* on December 21, 2015 (Association which fights against discrimination linked to sexual orientation and identity gender in the workplace).
Publication of a guide to support employees in transition to help HR and managers in order to promote their inclusion within work groups and the company.
Participation in the Autre Cercle/IFOP barometer on the perception of the inclusion of LGBT+ people at work.
Renewal of its signature of the Charter of the Other Circle. Participation in the Autre Cercle/IFOP barometer on the perception of the inclusion of LGBT+ people at work.
EDF also supports Energay**, the association of Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans employees and retirees (and their friends) of the Electric and Gas Industries, the EDF group, the ENGIE group and their subsidiaries.
Furthermore, an awareness and training system is available to employees through e-learning on respecting sexual orientations and an information leaflet on this same subject has been produced.
Also, from 2017, the branch agreement on family rights took care of:
- renovate bonuses and special leave for family events, aligning them for all forms of union (marriage, civil partnership);
- integrate the notion of “second parent”. Employees with at least one child who meet one of the following conditions are thus considered “parent employees” for the application of rights relating to the reconciliation of working hours:
- For whom a parentage link is established, namely the legitimate, natural or adopted child;
- For whom no parentage link can be established but whose presence in the home is permanent or preponderant.
Since 2018, the Group has expanded its commitment by creating the spring of diversity. For one month, each employee can get involved, get information and exchange ideas in their workplace. In 2023, the spring of diversity 2023 will offer thematic weeks on the evolution of the rights of LGBT+ people in the world, good practices for supporting parenthood and reconciling life time, sport & disability or even issue of racism on a daily basis.
Likewise, the 5th agreement relating to professional equality between men and women at EDF SA, signed unanimously with social organizations on December 3, 2021, also addresses the issue of supporting employees in transition (respect gender identity). Based on a guide for managers and HR, the agreement recalls all the measures that the company can put in place to support and support employees with transidentity.
Fight against sexism
From 2016, EDF participated in the “Sexism, not our kind” campaign launched by the government and was the first company to be labeled “Committed company, sexism not our kind”.
Since 2017, EDF has been committed, through its collective agreements on professional equality between women and men as well as its 2018 CSR agreements, to the fight against sexist and sexual violence at work. To do this, several training and awareness tools are made available to all employees. Furthermore, the company has been a signatory of the StOpE initiative since the beginning, stop ordinary sexism in business, a collective of companies committed to the fight and prevention of sexism at work.
In collaboration with this collective, EDF has participated in 2023, for the second time, in the sexism/BVA barometer, a perception survey on sexist behavior and discrimination between women and men at work.
Fight against domestic abuse
Remember that 1 in 10 women will be victims of domestic violence during their lifetime.
EDF is naturally committed to the fight against domestic violence, aware that it is necessary to raise awareness, train, support and direct employee victims towards suitable organizations, without replacing specialized associations.
- Signature by 14 large groups including EDF and an employers' organization of a charter against domestic violence initiated by the Fondation Agir Contre les Exclusions (FACE) and the Kering Foundation.
- Partnership with the association “FIT, a woman, a roof” and its President Séverine LEMIERE from 2016
- Partner of the #aidetacollegue awareness campaign, whose official godmother is Blandine METAYER. Initiated by Jacques Lambert, writer and founder of web TV webscran, this campaign aims to raise awareness among company employees about domestic violence suffered by their work colleagues because they can be the first witnesses to it on a daily basis.
Year of co-construction of our “operational toolbox” to support victims, in the diversity of their needs and their pace of exit from the cycle of violence, with all stakeholders.
Year of deployment of support and support actions for our victim employees: emergency accommodation, release of employee savings, monetization of annual leave, exceptional and emergency aid, organization of working time, flexible hours, work on a remote site, professional mobility…
colleagues have been supported and have benefited from this system since 2019, 480 women and 5 men.
Number of employees trained on the sole subject of domestic abuse in order to raise awareness, erase taboos, recognize the signs.
We would like to reiterate our zero tolerance towards all forms of discrimination and violence. We position these issues of combating and preventing gender-based and sexual violence at the heart of a more global health and safety policy, which remains the Group's first priority.
Fight against age discrimination
To combat age discrimination in the workplace and increase performance through intergenerational cooperation, the company has implemented: A generational contract negotiated with trade union organizations which includes commitments for the sustainable integration of young people, for the employment of seniors, and for the transmission of knowledge and skills between generations. An awareness and training system including serious games to identify stereotypes and prevent discrimination, as well as training to develop intergenerational cooperation in a professional context.
Fight against religious discrimination
In 2010, EDF published a guide "References on religion in the company" for use by "managers and HR managers", which was revised in July 2016.