The Committee
For almost 35 years, the EDF Group has been supporting research on the history of electricity. Created in 1982 at the initiative of President Marcel Boiteux, the Director of Studies and Research, Maurice Magnien and contemporary history professor at Paris-Sorbonne University, François Caron, the Association for the History of Electricity in France (AHEF) facilitated the meeting of the business and academic worlds.
In 2001, a new Committee for the History of Electricity took over the missions of the AHEF. In order to better embody the growth in the field of study that has occurred over the years, the name of the committee changed in 2013 to explicitly mention energy – now the Committee for the History of Electricity and Energy. The committee’s mission is to support those who conduct historical research, to develop and share new knowledge on electricity and energy history. The committee gathers at least 2 times a year to set the action plan.
To propose a manuscript to publish in our collection, thank you for contacting us at the following address:
The members
Committee members are renewed by thirds, for a mandate of 3 years. The committee’s current members:
- Christophe Bouneau (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) - académic profile - LinkedIn profile
Honorary President:
- Alain Beltran (Research Director, CNRS, UMR Sirice)
Members :
- Anna Åberg (Chalmers University of Technology, Suède)
- Laurence Bobant-Guillot (Fondation groupe EDF)
- Yves Bouvier (Université de Rouen Normandie)
- Paolo Brenni † (CNR, Museo Galileo, Firenze, Italie)
- Sophie Calvarin (Directrice du Musée Electropolis)
- Ana Cardoso de Matos (Université d'Evora, Portugal)
- Barbara Curli (Université de Turin, Italie)
- Anne Dalmasso (Université Grenoble Alpes)
- Marcela Efmertova (Université technique de Prague, République tchèque)
- Lucas Eskenazi (Pôle ARDECo, EDF Archives)
- Elisa Grandi (Université Paris Cité)
- Karena Kalmbach (Musée Futurium, Berlin, Allemagne
- Damien Kuntz (Musée Electropolis)
- Stéphanie Le Gallic (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)
- Alberte Martinez (Université de la Corogne, Espagne)
- Charles-François Mathis (Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne)
- Marta Musso (KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm)
- Giovanni Paoloni (Université de Rome Sapienza, Italie)
- Serge Paquier (Université de Saint-Étienne)
- Stéphane Savard (Université Québec Montréal)
- Catherine Vuillermot † (Université de Franche-Comté)
- Jean-Pierre Williot (Sorbonne Université)
Scientific Secretaries:
- Léonard Laborie (CNRS, UMR Sirice)
- Renan Viguié (CEMMC Université Bordeaux Montaigne)