Respect for the Group’s values

The Group Ethics Charter
The Group Ethics Charter, based on the Group’s three values (respect, solidarity and responsibility) was first rolled out at the end of 2013. It sets out the rules and principles which must guide the actions and behaviour of Group employees on a daily basis. It includes the “United Nations Global Compact” component, which EDF joined in 2001. It is accessible in French and English on EDF’s website, and has been translated into ten other languages. It covers EDF’s human rights obligations.
Work to update the Group Ethics Charter began in the second half of 2018, in order to take into account the Company's strategy, new Group policies and any changes in the regulatory environment. The EDF Executive Committee meeting in December 2018 approved the document’s content and the implementation procedures, including communication to be carried out in the first half of 2019.
Download the PDF « EDF Group Ethics Charter » (1,28 Mo) PDF - 1.28 MB
The video of the Group Ethics Charter
A video open to all presents the requirements of this new Charter. It aims in particular to:
- reaffirm the Group’s three core values in order to bring ethical requirements back to the heart of our corporate responsibility, with an introductory sentence from the Chairman and CEO underlining his commitment
- simplify requirements, by reducing them down to 12 to make them easier to assimilate and making them more internally focused
- avoid the confusion between the Charter of Ethics (focused on values shared within the workgroup) and the Code of Conduct (which sets rules to be complied with and by which employees are bound because it is included in the internal regulations)

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