Carine de Boissezon 
Chief Impact Officer


For too long, addressing the topic of adaptation has been seen as giving up on fighting climate change, or at least as a distant issue.

However, one should keep in mind that global warming is more a question of stock (the impact of the accumulation of greenhouse gases emitted since the industrial revolution) than of flow (the impact of annual emissions): We are already observing the impact of historical emissions on the intensity and on the frequency of extreme events all over the planet.

In 2023, for the fourth year in a row, insured losses due to natural disasters exceeded 100 billion dollars globally.

With this first publication on adaptation to climate change, the EDF group is guided by three key aims: understand, inform, act.

  • UNDERSTAND: EDF group can rely on a strong R&D, with 2,000 researchers and a dedicated climate service, working closely with the academic world to assess the impact of the latest climate scenarios on our assets, whether they are existing or in development.
  • INFORM: Because no one can achieve resiliency alone, we want to share this knowledge with our stakeholders and contribute to the collective adaptation of the communities and of the regions where we operate.
  • ACT: Adapting to climate change will require all types of innovative solutions, whether they be technical or nature-based, high tech or low tech. But in a world where the only thing for certain is the increase of uncertainty, we shall make sure to always be able to adjust our activities to evolving climate conditions.

Our aim is to build a resilient electricity system helping the world to achieve net zero by 2050. This is the challenge of a generation: Join us!



■ Key dates since the creation of EDF in 1946 ■ Recognition of our approach since COP 21 in Paris in 2015 ■ A stronger climate governance ■ Dialogue with our stakeholders


■ Identifying the risks ■ An adaptation plan, for all the Group's businesses ■ Understanding the supply/demand balance ■ Adaptating with the new nuclear


■ Challenges related to water efficiency & sufficiency ■ Challenges related to flexibility ■ Challenges related to multi-use water managment ■ Challenges related to water quality


■ Retreat of glaciers ■ Rise in sea level ■ Increase in the frequency and intensity of high water levels ■ Increase in the intensity of cyclones ■ Increase in the frequency and intensity of heatwaves, protect employees ■ Engage and train employees

Climate risks, how EDF is adapting to climate change