Sectors of application
Urban planning / River and maritime port infrastructures / Offshore industry
Your challenges
- To understand the operation of an ecosystem at coastal or watershed level, and interactions with urban and industrial installations
- To assess the natural risks
- To assess the ecological status and impact of an industrial installation or development
- To think up innovative solutions to mitigate anthropogenic effects: fish-ways, renaturation of waterways, etc.
- To predict the effects of global warming
- To manage the multiple uses of water with respect to your needs
- To size your river and coastal infrastructures
Our strengths
Assessment resources used in support of EDF's hydraulic safety and environmental issues since 1946
- Transparency in the implementation of assessments
- A broad, comprehensive offer that enables each problem to be accurately dealt with
- Mastery of calculation tools through involvement in their very development

Our offer
- We propose a cross-cutting offer in hydraulic and environmental sciences, in order to have a comprehensive understanding of the issues:
- Digital and experimental modelling of river and sea flows, morphological changes, swell and ecology
- Assess the force exerted on structures by currents and wave loads, with a view to their sizing
- Assess natural risks: floods, low flows, clogging of industrial installations (sediments, fish, plants and algae)
- Simulate the behaviour of chemical substances in surface waters, agricultural soils, the atmosphere, aquatic organisms, plants, mammals and the human organism
Use case examples
Artelia, CEREMA, HR Wallingford: Since 2011, EDF tools have been co-distributed under Open Source licence through the TELEMAC-MASCARET consortium (www.opentelemac.org), within which these major public and private design offices are involved. These tools are used by the French flood forecasting department (SCHAPI, SPC).
ONEMA: A partner since the 1980s, this organisation relies on the EDF R&D division to reinforce its expertise in fish migration and fish-way sizing.
EDF Énergies Nouvelles: Several studies have been carried out for our subsidiary, including the sizing of offshore wind turbine foundations (2014), the modelling of floating wind turbines (2012-2016), the modelling of wave turbine productivity, ocean metrology assessments (long-term monitoring of wind, wave and current measurements on a maritime site, in order to extract natural condition statistics), etc.