Sectors of application
Electrical engineering industry/Renewable energies/Power distribution/Energy savings/Cooling/Pumping/Research & development
Your challenges
- To optimise a solution for the integration of renewable energies into networks
- To identify the impact of a strong, disrupted power supply on an electrical machine
- To approve a design: accelerated ageing tests on motors
- To approve a variable speed motor investment: to measure a motor’s energy performance
- To assess diagnostic solutions on generators or motors
Our strengths
A modular test laboratory, from rotating machines to micro-networks
- A real-time simulator to produce an infinite variety of configurations
- Power supplies and load machines driven by power electronics power supplies, tests carried out in a highly automated manner
- Internationally recognised scientific excellence (publications, awards, higher education)

Our offer
- Test campaigns to assess the integration of renewable energies into a network that includes rotating machines, frequency stability and voltage stability tests
- Subject your equipment to perfectly controlled disrupted power supplies, with power of up to 100 kW, and assess the functional consequences or consequences to service life
- Subject motors to accelerated ageing cycles in accordance with a controlled, automated protocol, several thousands of on-load start-ups, for example
- Measure the energy performance of industrial motorisation under conditions that are representative of its real environment
- Assess the performance of your generator diagnosis tool using our generator, which includes real and simulated faults
- Training: practical work on complex rotating machine test benches.
Use case examples
For a start-up: Simulation of the performance of an innovative energy-saving system.
ADEME: Our tests have been approved by ADEME to propose Energy Saving Certificates to EDF’s customers.