Sectors of application
High-risk industries / Operations of complex systems (transport, chemicals, energy)
Your challenges
You have to take on board human, collective, organisationnal and managerial dimensions to :
- to design and to ensure the reliability and the high-risk socio-technical systems performance
- To assess the strengths and weaknesses of your organisation in order to develop their learning ability, their resilience and to assist to their evolutions
- to asses your crisis organisation
- to introduce new technologies (AR/VR, AI...) in your risk systems and to lead the associate changes
- to contributre to the demonstration of the respect of the regulatory requirements with the authorities
Our strengths
Multidisciplinary team (ergonomics, psychology and sociology in the context of professional activities, human and organisational reliability)
- Know-how developed in the field and used with engineering and operations divisions of EDF
- Knowledge of organisations and complex technical environments in the nuclear and hydraulic sectors
- Recognised expertise in data collection (simulations, observations, interviews) and in the analysis of normal, upset and critical conditions
- Internationally recognised scientific excellence: IAEA, OECD/WEGHOF, ESReDA, FONCSI…
- Training courses to diverse audiences within EDF: service technicians, engineers, managers, directors…
- Training courses at Centrale Paris, UTT, CNAM, VUSQ, Nanterre, Paris 5, Paris 8, etc.
- Supervision of thesis and research activities carried out with our academic partners

Our offer
- Training sessions on the methods and models developed by EDF R&D
- Workshops on the analysis of major industrial accidents: for internal discussions and reflections on potential for improvements
- Studies on:
- Diagnosis of organisations and follow-up recommendations
- Integration of Human and Organisational Factors (HOF) in the design of high-risk socio-technical systems (e.g. operation centre...)
- Management of change due to new technologies deployment (AR/VR, AI...) in high-risk activities
- Tests of prototypes in EDF R&D ConnexLab
- R&D partnerships on HOF topics
Use case examples
EDF Nuclear engineering division: definition and implementation of engineering activities on Human and Organisational Factors, including in the design of operating control systems of nuclear new build projects (EPR, EPR2, SMR...)
EDF Nuclear operations division: management of industrial safety, assistance in the preparation of unit outages and crisis response protocols
Industrial partners in the nuclear sector: exploration of the potential uses of new technologies (AR/VR, AI...)
EDF General Inspector for Nuclear Safety & Radioprotection & EDF Group Risk Division: analysis and lessons learnt from major industrial accidents