Every year, offshore installations (scientific bases, oil platforms, offshore wind turbines, etc.) consume the equivalent of all of Europe’s nuclear power output. The problem lies in the fact that they cannot be connected to the grid, meaning they are powered by expensive and polluting diesel generators. GEPS Techno offers an eco-friendly and budget-friendly alternative: autonomous buoys that use the four types of marine renewable energy sources (swells, currents, wind and sun) to achieve 30% savings on offshore electricity bills – without emitting any CO2.
Investors love the EDF Pulse Awards and know that the winning companies often have a bright future ahead of them.
These positive-energy marine platforms were among the winners at the 4th EDF Pulse Awards in 2017. Crowned the winner in the ‘Smart Business’ category, GEPS Techno shows that economic and environmental performance can go hand in hand – even in the middle of the ocean! Jean-Luc Longeroche, CEO of GEPS Techno, was delighted: “Our approach is unlike any other in the modern energy world. Our discussions with the jury were intense yet instructive, and seeing them validate our strategy is a fantastic reward.”
€2Mraised in June 2016
30%savings in offshore electricity
ZeroCO2 emission
This multi-cultural team is proud both of its creativity and learning capacity and of its skills in naval architecture, hydrodynamics and financial engineering.
4 questions to GEPS Techno
Where did you get the idea for this startup?
We were at the coffee machine thinking about what we could do to fill the shipyards' building docks, which were empty. The idea of a multi-energy float emerged; it later turned into an independent platform to recover energy from the waves.
Any recent good news?
A first large order for Météo-France, which validated our “manufacturer services” Business Model. By offering to manage the platforms' funding, roll-out and operation on behalf of our clients to provide them with an “all-inclusive” service, it is easier to overcome any reluctance to switch to green energy.
What is the most unexpected thing that your startup has made you do?
To save on development costs and in particular the need for tests in the wave basin and in a flow tunnel, we carried out initial tests in canals wearing wetsuits and using models built in our garages.
In what way does your project revolutionise your category?
Worldwide, human activity at sea consumes an amount of electricity that is equivalent to that produced by Europe's nuclear power plants. This electricity is produced by diesel generator sets, the only means available for facilities which cannot be connected to the grid. By offering to replace these diesel generator sets with “wave power generators”, at a per-kWh price 30% lower than that of diesel, Geps Techno demonstrates that it is perfectly possible to be both economical and environmentally-friendly, even in the middle of the ocean.