With the summer season approaching, EDF has intensified its actions to raise awareness among locals and tourists of the hazards near dams and hydroelectric plants.

Being aware of the dangers around hydro-facilities  
Hikers, swimmers, fishermen and whitewater sports enthusiasts may encounter a sudden drop in the flow rate or in the water level of a lake or river. In order to generate electricity, hydroelectric plants and dams may release water at any time of day, which creates a risk of drowning or trip-and-falls (slippery banks). These releases are controlled and are undertaken in coordination with relevant bodies*, taking into account the safety of river users, the conservation of biodiversity, and the various water uses.       
Knowing the safety rules with the help of “hydro-guides”      
During the summer, a hundred or so hydro-guides appointed by EDF will be patrolling bodies of water and giving basic safety advice: read and obey the instructions on safety notices, keep to the banks, keep an eye on the water level, avoid areas that do not allow for a quick retreat should water levels rise, etc.       

A specific focus on fishermen  
Fishermen, both novices and experts, are the group most involved in accidents near dams and hydropower plants. The French National Fishing Federation and EDF have launched a campaign to remind fishermen of the precautions that will ensure they can enjoy their relaxation to the full [link to the video]. 
The complete awareness-raising campaign entitled “Calme apparent, risque présent” (Calm waters, potential hazards) can be found on the edf.fr website.

Mobile app and warning notices 
All year long, yellow signs and red lifebuoys flag up hazards along the rivers, lakes and canals that provide water to the power plants. The app “Ma Rivière et moi” (My river and me), on the internet or on a smartphone, provides further assistance by highlighting areas requiring extra vigilance.      

Before heading for the water’s edge, it is advisable to find out about the access conditions, at either a tourist office or on the “Ma Rivière et moi” app. Once you arrive at your destination, look out for notices and for changes in water flow rates or levels in order to avoid any risky behaviours.  

* Local authorities, water agencies, associations, etc.