Mobilization, concern or indifference: where are the citizens of 29 countries at with regard to climate change?

A key international player in the energy sector, committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, EDF presents the findings of a large-scale opinion study conducted for the 5th consecutive year by Ipsos in 29 countries across all five continents, covering two-thirds of the world’s population and including the biggest CO₂ emitters.

Edition 2023

A divided planet? World opinion on climate change

e-book: A divided planet? World opinion on Climate Change

During the 2022 wave, within a context marked by inflation, the arrival of the climate issue at the top of the list of environmental concerns, and also the growth of climate skepticism, we suggested to around twenty social science and political researchers that they analyze the themes of the survey or the findings for one country in particular. The results of their work are presented together in the book Une planète mobilisée? L’opinion mondiale face au changement climatique.

This year, we are providing a summary document of the key findings of this 2023 wave, which notably includes a new theme: climate migrations.

More than ever, our aim is to fuel the debate by providing useful materials for all those defending the climate cause.

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