Nicolas Brunn and Manon Vigoureux are developing, an innovative online platform that enables corporate buyers to score suppliers' responses to competitive tenders from an environmental point of view.

An environmental rating agency dedicated to purchasing aims to assign an environmental rating to products bought and sold on a B2B basis. This innovative approach gives companies a better understanding of the ecological footprint of their purchases and encourages suppliers to improve their practices.
EDF Pulse Incubation: 4 stages of support
Nicolas and Manon have just entered the TEST phase of the incubator. During the "START" phase, they demonstrated that there is a market for environmental ratings that can be reached using their solution. In the "MATCH" phase, they had to prove the commercial and technical feasibility of their project. They now need to deristify their offer and find their first users.
Being an intrapreneur is like going to the mine every day to extract nuggets through customer interviews and a variety of meetings. Thanks to EDF Pulse Incubation, we're able to melt this gold down to make ingots.
The EDF Pulse Incubation incubator and the EDF Group's Innovation Department are providing us with a huge amount of resources to help us succeed.