Our four main commitments of this stake
The dialogue and the consultation
The responsible development of the territories
The development of the industrial branches
The sustainable and inclusive digitalisation

Dialogue and consultation
Develop a dialogue initiated form a long time with the civil society
The EDF Group implemented on Wednesday January 27, its Stakeholder Advisory Committee.
Next to the EDF Group's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, thirteen people of the civil society bring their new eye to the corporate strategic guidelines. This consultative council, joint and multi-disciplinary, gathers environment and climate experts, representatives of student, consumer, economist and solidarity actor groups.

Responsible development of the territories
Building of the Nachtigal dam in Cameroun
During its operation in 2024, the Nachtigal hydroelectric dam, in the Centre region of Cameroun, will allow to cover almost 30% of the country electricity needs. This project will bring an answer to the increasing electricity demand, producing an energy locally available and weakly emissive (845,000 t of CO₂ avoided per year). It will also contribute to the creation of more than 23,000 direct or indirect jobs. An ambitious environmental and social programme supports this future installation.

Responsible digitalisation
Our certified low carbon digital change
A low carbon digital change, energy efficient, inclusive and with environmental added value for the employees and the customers.
Since March 2021 EDF is the first energy company certified Responsible Digitalisation by the Responsible Digitalisation Institute (RDI). This distinction recognises in particular the EDF commitment in terms of responsible design of its IT services, of digitalisation accessibility and of digitalisation innovations in favour of environment and of decrease in the impact of the IT tools.

Supplier Relations and Responsible Purchasing Label
The EDF Group is making its commitments concrete with the “Supplier Relations and Responsible Purchasing Label” based on the ISO 20400 standard frame of reference. To this end and in line with its Supplier Policy, the EDF Group is placing responsible purchasing at the centre of the Group’s social and environmental responsibility. The EDF Group sets out its principles in the charter within the framework of the relationship with its suppliers and subcontractors. This charter represents a constituent part of the agreements made by the EDF Group.