The EDF CSR partners form an incentive to develop our Raison d'être.
The partners are structured around 4 EDF CSR issues: carbon and climate neutrality, preservation of the planet's resources, wellbeing & solidarity, and responsible development.

List of EDF Group's CSR partners:
Carbon neutrality & Climate
- Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
- Forum international de la Météo et du Climat (FIMC)
- Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE)
- CLG Europe
Preserving the planet’s ressources
- Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN)
- Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO)
- Fédération des conservatoires botaniques nationaux
- Comité français de l’Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature (UICN)
- Fête de la Nature
- Fédération des Conservatoires d'espaces naturels (FCEN)
- Office national des forêts (ONF)
Wellbeing & Solidarity
- Ashoka
Responsible development
- Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage
- Institut Open Diplomacy
- Mouvement Impact France (MIF)
- Union nationale des Centres permanents d’initiatives pour l’environnement (UNCPIE)
- L'Observatoire de la RSE (ORSE)
List of our partners by issue
IDDRI (Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales)
IDDRI is an independent policy research institute and multi-actor dialogue platformthat identifies the conditions and offers tools to put sustainable development in the centre of international relationships and public and private policies. Four issues are in the centre of the Institute's activity: climate, biodiversity and ecosystems, the ocean and the governance of sustainable development.
EDF is a founding member of IDDRI and as such participates in its governance. The EDF representative on the Board of Directors and the Strategic Orientation Council of the Institute is Carine de Boissezon, Chief Impact Officer of the EDF Impact Division. Several Group Divisions also collaborate with I IDDRI: Strategy, R&D… [For more information]
International Weather and Climate Forum (FIMC) is an inevitable event for education and mobilization on climate issues. Organised every year, the Forum facilitates the exchange between stakeholders: the general public, scientists, businesses, weather presenters, communities and NGOs. An international scientific symposium with experts on an issue related to climate stakes is organised on the sidelines of the FIMC. [For more information]
Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE)
The French association of Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE), implemented in 1992, brings together about sixty large French and international enterprises from all sectors of the economy, involved in the ecological transition. EDF has been a founding member of EpE since 1992. Its reason for being, its raison d'être, one planet and one prosperous world, sums up the desire of its members to lead their own ecological transition and that of society and to build, together and with their stakeholders, economic development compliant with the limits of the planet and socially accepted, indeed desired.
The association is the French partner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). [For more information]
CLG Europe (Corporate Leaders Group)
CLG Europe brings together business leaders and decision-makers committed to a transition towards competitive, sustainable and inclusive economies that will produce net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Through the exchange of ideas with policy-makers and their peers, business leadership groups advocate for strong business and policy solutions to address the environmental and sustainability challenges our planet is facing. [For more information]
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)*
WBCSD est une coalition de CEO de grands groupes internationaux (environ 200) pour promouvoir et développer un monde durable pour l’entreprise, la société et l’environnement. Le WBCSD est pour EDF un lieu d’échange et de co-construction avec des sociétés engagées dans le développement durable. Plus globalement, le WBCSD est un vecteur qui contribue à faire évoluer le rôle de l’Entreprise sur nos principaux enjeux. [For more information]
* Annual membership.
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN)
For about 10 years, EDF and the NMNH have initiated in a scientific collaboration in the field of biodiversity. As part of this collaboration, the EDF teams work with the PatriNat service (MNHN and OFB joint unit) in order to share their knowledge and know-how achieving different works, for the qualification of the natural heritage of EDF, the monitoring of ecological restoration projects, the study of the effects of light pollution... These studies are carried out in connection with several of the Group's businesses including R&D, nuclear, thermal production and engineering, and the hydraulic sector. [For more information]
Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO)
The objective of the LPO is to promote actions in favour of nature and biodiversity. Since 2012, the EDF Group and the LPO have been collaborating on a skills and knowledge exchange program. [For more information]
Réseau des Conservatoires botaniques nationaux
The collaboration between the Réseau des Conservatoires botaniques nationaux and EDF focuses on the challenges of revegetation of spaces, based on the use of local plants. This concerns in priority the rearrangement of spaces, the construction sites and the installations being dismantled. [For more information]
French Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (UICN)
The French Committee of the IUCN is the network of organisations and experts of the International Union for Conservation of Nature in France. It is a unique platform for exchanges and carries out actions to meet the challenges to preserve biodiversity in France and all over the world. [For more information]
Fête de la Nature
EDF is a partner of this event since its creation. Each year, the company organises within this framework, visits and activities to raise awareness of nature near its installations in connection with local stakeholders. [For more information]
Fédération des Conservatoires d'espaces naturels (FCEN)
The FCEN brings together the 23 regional Conservatories of natural spaces (which mission is the preservation of nature, species, environments and landscapes. In particular, they develop scientific knowledge, land control, site management and awareness-raising actions. EDF works in particular with the FCEN on the issue of carbon sequestration. [For more information]
Office national des forêts (ONF)
A major actor in the forestry sector, the Office National des Forêts (ONF) brings together 8,200 professionals. In mainland France and in the French Overseas departments and territories, the ONF manages about 11 million hectares of public forests belonging to the State and to local authorities. [For more information]
Ashoka is an NGO, a network of change agents, which acts in favor of social innovation. Through its actions, it aims to accelerate ideas and initiatives with a positive societal impact, to prepare for the future now. Its mission is twofold: to detect social entrepreneurs whose innovations respond to societal challenges in all areas (health, environment, education, etc.) and support them in their development; connect actors from different backgrounds, from civil society as well as the public or private sectors, to accelerate the emergence of new models in favor of the general interest. In 2022 the EDF group, Réseau Eco-Habitat and the NGO Ashoka came together to develop concrete solutions to combat energy poverty. [For more information]
Ecole nationale supérieure de paysage
The Ecole nationale supérieure du paysage is the historic cradle of the training of landscape designers and an internationally recognised training, research and creation centre. In front of the unprecedented transitions our societies and territories are facing, its vocation is to train professionals capable, through the landscape project, to restore the soil, the living, the resources and more generally, the use of spaces in the centre of the debate and of the collective action. The collaboration since 2015 between the school and EDF is based on a shared approach to the notion of landscape, consultation and dialogue with internal/external local stakeholders. [For more information]
Institut Open Diplomacy
The Institut Open Diplomacy is a think tank specialised in the study of global governance of sustainable development. This recognised association of general interest is interested in the conditions for lasting peace for future generations, since it founded the Y20, the G20's commitment group towards young people, upstream the G20 in Cannes. EDF supports the reflections of this think tank relating to the Sustainable Development Objectives of the United Nations and actively contributes to its annual reflections organised within the framework of the Sustainable Development Meetings, founded in 2020 under the patronage of the President of the Republic. [For more information]
Union nationale des Centres permanents d’initiatives pour l’environnement (Union nationale des CPIE)
The Union nationale des CPIE , an association under the 1901 law recognized as being of public utility, supports and promotes the action of the Union nationale des CPIE. It brings together 80 CPIE-certified associations, themselves united in 12 regional unions (11 250 members and 1 000 employees).
"Artisans of environmental change", the Union nationale des CPIE acts in the territories to develop common action in favour of the ecological and inclusive transition and that people and organisations (communities, associations and companies) consider sustainable development in their decisions, their projects and their practices. [For more information]
The Impact France Movement
Today representing more than 15,000 companies engaged in the social and ecological transition, the Impact France Movement is the leading network of entrepreneurs engaged in the social and ecological transition. Its mission? Moving from a logic of economic pioneers committed to the general interest to the standard of an assumed corporate responsibility to contribute to a fairer, more united and more sustainable society. [For more information]
L'Observatoire de la RSE (ORSE)*
The ORSE is a multi-stakeholder organisation which supports CSR strategies within companies. [For more information]
* Annual membership.