We assist you in improving your company’s energy efficiency and reducing your CO2 emissions, essential factors for boosting your competitive edge. 1.5 million companies trust us.

Offers and services designed to meet the specific needs of each business
  1. Energy contract

  2. Energy budget optimisation

  3. Contract and invoice management

  4. Energy transition

Breakdown Assistance: anti stress guarantee

With its Breakdown Assistance service, EDF offers to manage emergencies on your behalf in the event of everyday accidents or breakdowns on your business premises. You will not have to deal with anything, enabling you to get back to work as quickly as possible.

Energy efficiency solutions for SME's and professionnals

All you need is to focus on the development of your business, EDF supports you on a daily basis and provides simple offers and services designed to facilitate your work.

Electrifying your car fleet

Are you interested in electrifying your fleet of vehicles? Take advantage of the EDF Group's sustainable mobility expertise and benefit from a global solution, from the supply of green electricity to the installation of charging terminals designed in accordance with your business practices.

EDF is committed to decarbonising French industry

Decarbonisation of industry is key for achieving carbon neutrality in France. EDF pledges to support this sector in reducing its CO2 emissions.

Our solutions to decarbonise industry

Energy efficiency solutions for major industrial companies

To help you improve the energy performance of your industrial facilities and buildings, and thus increase competitiveness, EDF and its subsidiaries make their energy expertise available to you. The aim: to build customised solutions with you to reinvent the factory and respond to the challenges facing the industry of the future.

Offers tailored to your company's needs

Electricity or gas contracts, renewable energies, management of your energy or solutions to make daily life easier… we support you with every aspect of your energy needs.


Our green offers (Link in French)


A fixed gas price for 3 years (Link in French)

Energy budget

Control all your energies (Link in French)


Check your eligibility (Link in French)


Selected partner's offers for your business (Link in French)