R&D is recharging its batteries!
As recently as fifteen years ago, energy players were happy to say that energy could not be stored in the form of electricity. Today, the same people consider that growing needs, particularly the reception of intermittent renewable energies, will make it an essential issue for the electricity system. Storage is therefore a major task for the EDF Group's R&D, raising technical, operational, strategic, economic and regulatory issues.

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R&D invents the batteries of tomorrow
The EDF Group has been working on electricity storage for many years. With the storage plan, EDF Group intends to develop 10 GW of new storage systems worldwide by 2035. R&D is contributing fully to this objective. As part of this, it has laboratories dedicated to battery research. Experts work on battery performance and their contribution to the expansion of renewable energies in electricity systems. Find out what Etienne Brière, Renewable Energy, Storage, Hydrogen and the Environment Programme Manager at EDF R&D, has to say.

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EDF R&D studies batteries
Perforation, overheating, short-circuit, overload: batteries are subjected to stringent, ruthless testing in our laboratories to meet their usage requirements. The battery cell and module test centre also measures their performance in terms of life span, number of cycles and power.
Discover what goes on behind the scenes and what’s at stake with Laurent Torcheux, Senior Engineer (Energy Storage) at EDF R&D.