Welcome to the world of industry
“We have been developing electrification in industry for several decades. EDF, therefore, has extensive experience in supporting industrialists towards electrification and its key consequence of improving process efficiency to maintain competitiveness.
At R&D level, we have developed several tools, backed up by our knowledge of industrial processes and performance optimisation. This helps us provide companies who want to modify their energy choices with precise figures.”
Didier Roustan, Director of the R&D Trade and Services Programme
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Three important things to remember
80 %
of greenhouse gas emissions come from 4 sectors spread over - 400 industrial sites. Every decarbonisation action will, therefore, have a significant impact.
50 %
of industrial greenhouse gas emissions are avoidable thanks to electrification.
20 years'
R&D experience in the CO2 capture, storage and reuse sector.
Low-carbon solutions for industry
Faced with the urgency of climate change, decarbonising industry is a key challenge for achieving long-term carbon neutrality in France, as the sector currently accounts for 20% of the country's CO2 eq emissions. To reduce this industrial footprint, EDF R&D is focusing on five major areas of research: energy sobriety, energy efficiency, the substitution of fossil fuels with low-carbon alternatives, the circular economy, and the capture, storage and recovery of residual CO2. Find out more about these research topics in this video.
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Low-carbon R&D solutions for companies
Duration : 1:31
Concrete solutions developed by R&D!
Projects adapted to industrial requirements
Go further
Can we capture all of the planet’s CO2?
What if we could capture this CO2 and put an end to its harmful effects? Are the techniques in place? And what are their real effects?
Supporting the Group’s customers towards carbon neutrality
The EDF Group provides solutions for building a CO2-neutral energy future together.
Objectives: to consume less energy and limit CO2 emissions by using renewable energy and optimising industrial facilities, buildings and processes.
Decarbonised hydrogen, a solution for the chemical and steel industries
Quiz: test your knowledge
Decarbonised hydrogen, a solution for the chemical and steel industries