Country of origin

  • 2015

    Creation date

  • 20


  • €1.3 M

    Fund raised

Currently, about 50% of the cost of a domestic solar system is related to its installation. This means that installation costs could slow down individuals from going solar, even though solar energy has the potential to accelerate the energy transition.

BeON Energy decided to change the game. How? By creating a solar kit that can be installed as easily as a television or refrigerator. Simply plug it in so that it can convert solar energy into electricity, with the help of a microinverter, and power a home. That’s all it takes! It is easier and less expensive to install, and—the best part of all—it is a giant step forward in making solar energy more common in our homes!

The project was a hit among the Jury, who awarded it second place on the 2019 EDF Pulse start-up Awards’ podium. BeON Energy is ready to launch on the French market with EDF if possible.

The Team

At first, the team consisted only of Rui, the inventor of the BeON solar kit, a serial entrepreneur with a PhD in electronics, and Jamie, the business specialist with 15 years of experience at Unilever. Since then, the team has grown to about twenty talents today. We are planning to add digital marketing, business, and blockchain experts very soon.

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