Through its subsidiary EDF Nouveaux Business, the EDF Group has acquired OREKA SOLUTIONS1, a start-up offering digital solutions in the form of 3D simulations for decommissioning of nuclear facilities. This acquisition, finalised on 17th May 2018, contributes to EDF progress in digital transformation.

Created in 2010 in the Gard département, the start-up has been working on developing a digital tool called “DEMPLUS® for nuclear”, that can plot and optimise decommissioning projects for nuclear facilities through 3D simulation, immersive virtual realities as well as a powerful tool for calculation codes.

This digital tool uses 3D digital models of nuclear facilities and any other data needed to carry out a dismantling project. This then provides the users with a virtual representation of their work site. They can move an avatar (human or robot) around, simulate a sequence of activities (cutting, cleaning up, transfer, carrying equipment in or out, etc) or even assess the key indicators of the project in real time (work site duration, quantity of waste to be removed, total cost and worker safety). “DEMPLUS® for nuclear” makes decommissioning activities simpler, quicker and safer for workers. This tool can also be used in other sectors, such as new building developments, maintenance or dismantling of non-nuclear industrial sites.

OREKA SOLUTIONS consists of some ten co-workers and is present in France, in other European countries (United Kingdom, Germany) and beyond (China).

This start-up gives added value to the EDF Group portfolio in decommissioning Engineering and radioactive waste management, which also means that the Group can position itself as a main European player in the market of nuclear decommissioning operations.

This acquisition has once again shown that, through EDF Nouveaux Business subsidiary, the EDF Group is committed to supporting the development of start-ups that can contribute to enhancing performance.

Cédric Lewandowski, Executive Directeur of Groupe EDF, responsible for innovation, strategy and planning, stated: “We are proud to announce the acquisition of OREKA SOLUTIONS, illustrating once again the commitment of the group entities to digital transformation. This operation also shows that, through EDF Nouveaux Business, the willingness to support the creation and growth of young start-ups who are spearheading technological innovation is becoming a reality”.

For Sylvain Granger, Director of EDF Group for dismantling and waste management projects, “OREKA SOLUTIONS has brought additional skills in digital simulation into the EDF Group, which will benefit the 9 dismantling sites in progress in France, but will also improve the relevance and competitivity of EDF Group offers on the international market; this operation is, incidentally, a continuation of the long-term partnership with the CEA (The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) for the development of digital tools that can be used for decommissioning”.

1 Through the subsidiary EDF Nouveaux Business Holding SAS, holding 89.7% of the company, along with Luc ARDELLIER, the founder and the Chief Executive, and CEA Investissement.

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