Nuclear output in France

June 2023 June 2024 Change
Output of the month 22.7TWh 26.4TWh 16.2%
Cumulative output 158.1TWh 177.4TWh 12.2%

Nuclear output in June 2024 amounted to 26.4TWh, up 3.6TWh compared to the same period in 2023.

Since the beginning of the year, cumulative annual output was 177.4TWh, up by 19.4TWh compared to 2023 which had been affected by social movements and work related to the treatment of stress corrosion phenomenon. The improved control procedures and feedback from repair work allowed reducing the number and duration of repairs, helping to improve the reactor availability.

Evolution of cumulative nuclear output in France in June 2024 (description bellow)

Nuclear output in the United Kingdom

June 2023 June 2024 Change
Output of the month 3.3TWh 3.4TWh 2.7%
Cumulative output 18.2TWh 18.1TWh -1.0%

Nuclear output in June 2024 amounted to 3.4TWh, up by 0.1TWh compared to the same period in 2023.

Since the beginning of the year, cumulative annual output was 18.1TWh, down by 0.2TWh yoy due to unplanned outage at Heysham 1 and Hartlepool impacting the start of 2024. This impact has been partially offest by lower planned outages.

Evolution of cumulative nuclear output in United Kingdom in June 2024 (description bellow)